Lifetime Deal

We're offering a lifetime deal for early supporters.



  • Full access to premium plugin and all premium extensions ever created
  • 100% no questions asked refund policy. Before and after the plugin launch
  • Access to private beta testing phase
  • Optional, hourlong 1-on-1 consultation with the founder: Dawid Urbański*
Buy now ($299)*Limited availability offer

Frequently asked questions

What makes WP Appointments different?

Excellent, 24/7 support.
Get your site up and running in no time with our dedicated support team.
We're always listening to our customers and improving our product.
Unlimited customization.
If you ask question: Can I do this? The answer is always yes.
Fabulous UI.
Both admin area and front-end are designed to be easy to use and beautiful.
AI features included.
Enhance your site with AI features like chatbots and voice assistants.
Hundreds of integrations.
Connect to your favorite apps and services with our integrations.
Standalone solution.
WP Appointments is a standalone solution, no need for other plugins.
Works with WooCommerce.
If you have a WooCommerce store, you can use it with WP Appointments.
One-of-a-kind developer experience.
We're developers ourselves, so we know what you need.
Gutenberg-first approach.
Utilize the new editor to build your new appointments system.
Modern stack.
Rock solid software. 100% test coverage. Built for speed. Build to last.

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